My Blog List

Tuesday, 5 December 2017


  1. From Valladolid to Girona
  2. From Badajoz to Málaga
  3. From Ciudad Real to Huesca
  4. From Cadiz to Teruel
  5. From Granada to Zamora
  6. From Madrid to Barcelona

  1.    1400Km
  2.    560Km
  3.    800Km
  4.    1400Km
  5.    960Km
  6.    800Km


  1. In my opinion this pictures is belong to human geography because we can see a plane in the middle of the picture.The plane is made of iron and we use to transport people and same materials.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Resultado de imagen de avion

      2.this pictures is belong to physical geography because the                  pictures see in the upper right part of  the pictures a mountain          in  the at the bottom of the pictures we see a river and a lots of          trees in the middle of the pictures.                                                                                                                                                                                           .Resultado de imagen de paisaje con todos los climas

     3.  this image shows that it represents a physical geography
because we can see in the middle right of the pictures a geyser
and in the middle left of the picture a forest of pine between the
geyser and the forest there are a ranibow.
                                           .Resultado de imagen de geiser

4. I think that this pictures is belong to human geography because        we can see some people with book and some school material. the    build is a school that is made of bricks and cement that is made        by  people.                                                                                                                                                   .Resultado de imagen de clase de alumnos

5. In my opinion this pictures is belong to human and physical             geography because we can see in the upper right part of the             picture a farm and in the rest of the picturs some crops. the crops     are with a form that is made by people.
                                                                          Resultado de imagen de cultivos de avena con formas desde el aire hechas por el hombre

6.  This pictures is belong to human and physical geography                 because  the are in the bottom of the pictures a river with some         trees. I the middle of the picture we can see that there are a city       with skycrapers and a port.                   
Resultado de imagen de ciudad con costa y un avion entre medias volando                                                                  


7 In my opinion this pictures is belong to human geogrphy because    the are a lots of cars and route in all the parts of tghe pictures and    the cars and the route is made by the human.Although there are        some trees between the route.
                                                                                  Resultado de imagen de muchas autovias vistas desde el aire

8This imagen show that represent a physical geography because   from the bottom of the paper to the upper part there cross a river   and next to the river there are two mountains with some grass.
                                                                            Resultado de imagen de valle con rio

9.In my opinion this picture is belong to human and physical   geography because we can see in the middle to the left a dam and   in the upper left part we can see a swamp. in the bottom right part   of the pictures we can see some trees.
                                                                          Resultado de imagen de presa

10 In my opinion this pictures is belong to physical geography             because there are some trees in all the paryt of the picture and in     the upper part of the picture we can see the climate.
                                                                                  Resultado de imagen de dehesa

11. This pictures is belong to human and physical geography                 because there are some people and in the bottom of the pictures       there are some sand and in the top of the picture we can see the       sea and the climate.  
                                                                           Resultado de imagen de playa con gente

12 I think there is a physical geofraphy beacuse there are in the             middle a rainfall and in the left and the right parts of the pictures     there is a jungle. 
                                                                                          .Resultado de imagen de cascada en la jungla